Please note, as of October 1, 2024, we will be opening at 9am for MEDICAL Patients only.
Effective July 1, 2023, adults 21+ may legally purchase cannabis products from Greenwave Dispensary.

10 Qualifying Conditions that Could Benefit from Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana is now legal in 29 states and the District of Columbia.

Figuring out what conditions can benefit from marijuana and the qualifying conditions in your state can be a bit confusing. Medical research is advancing every day, discovering new ways to use marijuana to help improve peoples lives.

Check out these ten conditions that commonly qualify for medical marijuana.

1. Seizures

Marijuana has been anecdotally reported to help people with seizures for close to 150 years. Recent studies have shown that cannabidiol, a chemical substance within marijuana, is the cause.

Cannabidiol helps sufferers of epilepsy and other seizure-inducing disorders manage their symptoms. In difficult to treat disorders medical marijuana use has been especially helpful.

2. Severe Nausea

This is one of the most common qualifying conditions for medical marijuana prescriptions. Nausea, especially chemotherapy-induced nausea, has been shown to respond well to marijuana.

For decades cancer patients have had to suffer through the intense emesis caused by the chemotherapy drugs used to treat their cancer. Existing antiemetics are not always effective and have a host of additional side effects.

Marijuana provides quick relief from nausea and has much more limited side effects. It also has the effect of reducing additional pain and improving patient mood.

3. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is a mental health disorder experienced by some people who have gone through a traumatic event. Shootings, assaults or the types of situations common on battlefields and during military service can cause PTSD.

Medical marijuana can have a significant positive impact on sufferers of PTSD. Some existing studies show a reduction in symptoms as high as 75%.

The effectiveness of medical marijuana over traditional psychotropic and opiate drugs make a strong case for PTSD’s inclusion on the list of qualifying conditions.

4. Cachexia

Cachexia is more a side effect of a severe illness rather than a disease itself. It is characterized by the wasting of the body that accompanies lack of appetite, intense weariness and other sicknesses.

Marijuana naturally improves the appetite. For patients suffering from cachexia it is a great way to encourage them to eat. Depending on the condition they are suffering from it can also help reduce symptoms of nausea and improve patient mood and outlook.

5. Anorexia

Anorexia nervosa is a mental health disorder that can have devasting effects on long-term health. It is characterized by the refusal to eat, nearly to the point of starvation at points.

Similar to cachexia, medical marijuana’s appetite-inducing effects help encourage anorexia sufferers to eat. While not a cure in and of itself, it can be a major boost when attempting to manage symptoms.

6. Wasting Syndrome

Wasting syndrome is a side effect of many serious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis and heart failure. Patients report that their bodies seem to waste away and that they have almost no appetite or energy.

Wasting syndrome is a qualifying condition for marijuana for the same reason cachexia is. Marijuana’s appetite stimulating properties can help patients begin to rebuild their bodies.

The added calories they are able to consume help them prevent the loss of further muscle mass and begin to gain weight. Marijuana’s pain reducing properties can also help them deal with other symptoms of their condition.

7. Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a potentially life-altering medical condition that impacts the optic nerve. If left untreated it can lead to irreversible blindness.

The two most common forms of glaucoma are primary open-angle and angle-closure. These are both caused by a buildup of pressure on the optic nerve due to inadequate drainage of the eye.

In primary open-angle fluid in the eye simply doesn’t drain the way it should. This results in a slow buildup of fluid that puts pressure on the optic nerve and damages it.

Angle-closure glaucoma is the acutest form of the disease. It is caused by a drainage angle that is close to the iris of the eye. Depending on the conditions of your attack, you could go blind in a very short amount of time.

Medical marijuana is effective in relieving nausea, pain, and inflammation that can result from glaucoma. This is one of the reasons glaucoma is one of the most common qualifying conditions for medical marijuana.

8. Severe or Persistent Muscle Spasms

Muscle spasms affect millions of people every day. Medical marijuana has proven to be an effective relief for several different conditions that cause spasms.

The pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties of marijuana are very effective at reducing symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders. Topical applications of THC creams have shown great promise in improving the lives of muscle spasm sufferers.

9. Severe Pain

The effects of marijuana make it an effective treatment for many types of moderate to severe pain. It relaxes muscles, calms people down and generally improves peoples mood and outlook.

A since closed federal medical marijuana project has provided medical marijuana to the half the participants for the purpose of pain relief. They report that the marijuana helps them go about their daily lives much better than other prescribable medications.

Pain is one of the most common qualifying conditions for medical marijuana.

10. Chronic Pain

Sufferers of chronic pain can see even more devastating long-term effects than those with severe but temporary pain. Chronic pain persists for more than 12 weeks and for many American’s lasts their entire lives.

Common causes of chronic pain are:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Neck or back injuries
  • Migraines
  • Arthritis

Medical marijuana use can go a long way to alleviating the symptoms of chronic pain that most impact people’s lives. It helps you sleep, reduces the symptoms of pain and can boost your overall mood.

Most importantly for sufferers of chronic pain worried about opiates and opioids, it’s not addictive.

Understanding Qualifying Conditions

If you suffer from any of these conditions or have another condition you think qualifies you for medical marijuana contact your doctor. There is no reason to needlessly suffer when there is a useful medication available to help relieve your symptoms.

You can find out more about medical marijuana and how to get your medical marijuana card by contacting us.

Are You Over 21?

per the Maryland Cannabis Administration

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You Must Be Over 21 To Proceed

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per the Maryland Cannabis Administration

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You Must Be Over 18 To Proceed